Conflict Management

Conflict Management

Conflict can be both positive and negative; it is an inevitable and normal part of our working lives.

Unhealthy, unresolved or poorly resolved conflict can have significant impacts on individuals and teams.

There is growing awareness of the less visible impacts to staff retention, productivity, reputation and profitability of organisations. Effective conflict management underpins successful workforce development and motivation across all services.

CORP offers a comprehensive range of solutions for recognising and managing workplace conflict and strengthening staff competency in resolving conflict. The CORP Facilitation Team has a broad range of experience and expertise in resolving conflict between individuals, teams and entire organisations. The diversity of our skills, experience, and conflict management options allows CORP to respond flexibly to meet your unique individual and organisational needs.

CORP Mediators in Darwin and Alice Springs also provide conflict management for the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman Restorative Engagement Program for the Australian Defence Force. CORP Mediators travel across Australia to deliver Mediation services for this scheme.

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  • Mediation

    Workplace mediation can enable people to reach fair and practical solutions for resolving workplace conflict. The mediation process is an impartial and safe environment for people in dispute to discuss their concerns and explore options for resolution with the support of a skilled and experienced mediator.

    The mediation process typically includes:

    • Individual discussions between each party and the mediator to identify and raise concerns
    • A facilitated discussion to enable all parties to reach mutually acceptable agreements
    • Provision of a mediation agreement on completion
    • Follow up conflict coaching to ensure agreements are upheld
  • Conflict Assessment

    A conflict assessment is conducted to gain insights into conflict when there are a range of issues impacting teams, work units and large groups. 

    This process involves:

    • Individual interviews
    • Provision of a report of key findings and recommendations for individuals and areas for development

    Recommendations may include:

    • Briefings and discussions to agree processes
    • Facilitated group discussions
    • Mediation(s)
    • Team development, for example, Charter of Agreed Behaviour
    • Education workshops, for example: Prevention of Bullying and Harassment
    • Referrals for coaching or counselling
    • Formal referral(s)
  • Conflict Coaching

    Conflict coaching provides one-on-one targeted support for individuals who would like to improve their skills in managing conflict and disputes. The process is one-on-one, voluntary and confidential. 

    Conflict coaching can assist managers and those in conflict with developing practical skills and techniques for negotiation, interpersonal conflict resolution and mediation. 

    Conflict coaching can also be a follow-up to mediations in order to embed agreements on ways forward.

    The process typically includes:

    • Identifying goals for effective management of conflict
    • Identifying the steps to attain their desired goals
    • Developing insight into behaviour that may contribute to conflict
    • Shifting unhelpful behaviour to constructive responses
    • Practicing communicating and interacting in effective ways to approach and address conflict
  • Facilitated Group Discussion

    Groups, work teams or units can experience a communication breakdown over a range of issues and concerns. When it is not appropriate for HR or management to be present and involved, a third party facilitated group discussion provides staff with an opportunity for open and transparent communication, with a focus on collaboration and identification of solutions.

    A CORP Facilitator guides the discussion through a process of raising concerns in a safe, unbiased space, making appropriate observations, identifying rights and responsibilities and assisting respectful dialogue. The group collaborates to determine desired outcomes and agree upon potential solutions to issues within or between factions.

  • Charter of Agreed Behaviour

    When a work group has been operating within an unhealthy workplace culture it is useful to develop a Charter of Agreed Behaviour. This agreement guides the team on how they would like to behave, and forms a commitment to action for creating more positive working relationships.

    The Charter of Agreed Behaviour development process is led by an experienced facilitator and includes pre-session information gathering, a facilitated process to support the group to develop the Charter, a commitment to action, and ongoing use of the Charter to guide actions and behaviours and provide accountability.

  • Organisational Conflict Management Model

    An organisational level conflict management model provides a framework for healthy and timely engagement with conflict and the management of unhealthy conflicts or disputes.

    The CORP Facilitator works with organisations to:

    • Design a customised conflict management model focused on early and low-level intervention
    • Review current rights based model (grievance policies etc.) to ensure processes and options are clear and transparent
    • Support implementation of the model through skills development and support for staff, HR teams and managers
  • Conflict Training

    CORP’s range of profession development programs for individuals, managers and leaders teaches constructive ways to engage in healthy conflict and to manage unhealthy conflict. These are delivered flexibly using a range of approaches to meet participant needs, including face-to-face workshops, webinars and individual one-on-one coaching sessions.

    Topics include:

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