course_leadership_what makes a leader?

What Makes a Leader?

A Masterclass series in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Leaders are intelligent people with a high level of knowledge of the context of their work. EQ is a different way of understanding and leading high-performance teams.

The Masterclass Series in EQ is an opportunity for leaders to come to together in a small group to focus on enhancing their performance as leaders through the development of EQ. This series of four workshops focuses on developing key competencies in the four EQ domains. The scheduling of the workshops allows for an action learning process of testing and reflecting on new skills between sessions to enable real growth and embed practice change.

Self-awareness: Workshop one enables participants to reflect on and develop understanding of their own emotions and how to manage them to enhance performance as a leader.

Self-management: Workshop two enables participants to consider how they manage disruptive emotions and maintain effectiveness during stressful times, including maintaining the positive outlook and adaptability required of leadership.

Social awareness: Workshop three enables participants to consider how to become more aware of the feelings and perspectives of others. This includes developing the ability to tune into and manage organisational dynamics which is a crucial component of leadership.

Relationship management: Workshop four enables participants to reflect on and develop their skills as relational leaders. This includes leading with influence, coaching and mentoring, managing conflict and inspiring teams to work together towards common goals.

This is an intensive and engaging learning series. Participants must attend all sessions and there is a limit of places.
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