course_motivating_boosting staff morale

Boosting Staff Morale

Imagine if your team came to work inspired and motivated! This is an interactive and fun team building workshop that increases motivation, collaboration and communication. The workshop introduces gratitude, and the benefits of learning to notice and appreciate positive behaviour and actions to build a strong sense of belonging in the team.

Participants engage in several creative learning activities that build communication and explore team dynamics in a fun and interactive way. In this workshop the topics explored are determined by the group’s needs.

In this session we will explore:
  • Team goals
  • Shared purpose including what participants value in their work
  • Building and maintaining trust within the team
  • Appreciation for self and others
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Using collective knowledge and wisdom within the group
  • Maintaining strong and healthy relationships
  • Engaging positively throughout pressure and conflict
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