course_retention_understand and respond to DFV

Understand & Respond to Domestic & Family Violence

Domestic and Family Violence can take many forms and can affect anyone. More than 60% of assault offences in the Northern Territory are associated with domestic violence and nationally, more than one woman per week is murdered by a current or former partner.

Participants in this workshop gain skills to recognise and respond to the warning signs of family and domestic violence. They gain a deeper understanding of the cycle of abuse, the types and the impact family and domestic violence can have on families, workplaces and communities. The workshop explores how to respond appropriately to disclosures, undertaking risk assessments, safety planning and referrals.

In this session we will explore:
  1. Types of domestic and family violence (violence against women, child abuse, family violence within Aboriginal communities, elder abuse, honour-based violence)
  2. The cycle of violence including why victims may stay and return to the situation
  3. Providing emotional support – what’s helpful and what’s not?
  4. Health impacts and consequences for victims
  5. Impacts on children from birth to adolescence
  6. Risk assessments and safety planning
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